1.you see,or do not see me
2.Will you see me or not?
(我比較喜歡第一句,雖然不知道翻的對不對,不知道可不可以這樣翻,you see,or not to see me)
我就在那裡 不悲不喜
1.I am there,neither sad nor happy
2.I will be there,neither happy nor sad
1.you miss,or do not miss me
2.Do you miss me or not?
情就在那裡 不來不去
1.affection is there,neither coming nor going
2.The feeling is there,neither coming nor going
1.you love,or do not love me
2.Do you love me or not?
愛就在那裡 不增不減
1.love is there,neither adding nor subtracting
2.The love is there,neither increasing nor decreasing
1.you follow,or do not follow me
2.Will you come with me or not?
我的手就在你手裡 不捨不棄
1.my hand is in your hand,neither leaving nor abandoning
2.My hand is in yours,it will not leave
1.come into my embrace
2.Come into my embrace
或者 讓我住進你的心裡
1.or allow me to live in your heart
2.Or let me into your heart
默然相愛 寂靜歡喜
1.quiet loving,silent rejoicing
2.Silent love,quiet fondness